Hi from a noob :oP

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New Member

I'm a noob I didn't do hardware stuff since a long long time, but since a while I'm more interested to peek into hardware again so l might stick around and ask few questions ;-)

I'm a software programmer btw

Later )
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Welcome to the forums. I take it you are located in a field off Gore Rd in Franklin, North Vermont?
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I'm a noob I didn't do hardware stuff since a long long time, but since a while I'm more interested to peek into hardware again so l might stick around and ask few questions ;-)

I'm a software programmer btw

Later )

Hi and welcome! I'm also a software programmer and part-time electronics hobbyist. I've learned (and am still learning) tons from the members of this forum. I hope your time here is good.

Welcome to the forums. I take it you are located in a field off Gore Rd in Franklin, North Vermont?


Not exactly but you got right with degres, of course I trunk minutes and secs ;-)

I'm more like n45 38 w 73 37 in the water in Montreal


Not exactly but you got right with degres, of course I trunk minutes and secs ;-)

I'm more like n45 38 w 73 37 in the water in Montreal

Well try not to let this bunch corrupt you. Allot of them are devious and conniving.

Just kidding but they might jump off subject a bit. It happens.
Apple slices topped with caramel syrp!

God! What a sweet tooth! Your worse than me.

Now around Christmas time, McDonald's has those eggnog milk shakes. Those are killer. I like eggnog anything really. Ever had Jack & eggnog? MMMmmmmMMM
Welcome newy,
but take it light on the milkshake.
I had a buddy at school that could get drunk on double thick chocolate milkshake.
Luckily I do not drink milkshake, so I'll stick to rooibos tea.
Welcome newy,
but take it light on the milkshake.
I had a buddy at school that could get drunk on double thick chocolate milkshake.
Luckily I do not drink milkshake, so I'll stick to rooibos tea.

That kind of chocolate milkshake is called: "Lumba Katumba pasa en el Congo" in Spain and contains lots of "Osborn Veterano". Has a nice red-eye-effect, too.
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