Hi There!!!

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New Member
Just to introduce myself. I live in Sarajevo BiH, ex Yugoslavia. I am generally interested in electronics although I’m not an engineer. Actually I’m a medical technician and a Chemistry dropout ;-) mostly interested in computers and repair of consumer electronics. I do know a lot about chemistry and physics, especially chemical toxicology, energetic maters and physics of materials. I been a collecting things a lot all may life (not to long 28 years old only) so I have a big collection of postage stamps and modern coins, minerals etc. I have lot of data on semiconductors especially old European so I can help sometimes. This is a very nice board and I wish to congratulate to you guys keeping it quit a high standard! If you want to get in touch you can do it here or pm me at tockipoeEThotmail.com or tockipoETgmail.com.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Generally we prefer discussing things on the open forum rather than messaging people as others can also learn from the support provided.
Hi Welcome I Agree this is the best electronics forum i Have ever been on. Also Like
Hero999 Said Insted Of Using Pm Post on the forum so that everyone can see the info
I agree!!!

Well I agree about posting things publicly for others to read and (hopefully) learn something. But as usual I give my mail and MSN just in case somebody wants to contact you that way!
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