High current flip-flop using a DPDT relay?

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New Member
I've seen this circuit once before, but I can't find it anywhere now. Would anyone around here happen to have the diagram handy?
If you describe what you are trying to do, someone can help. Turning a relay on and off does not seem that hard to do.
I saw it once in a Nuts & Volts mag, but I haven't been able to find that issue again. It had a relay, 2 or 3 resistors, a 1000uf capacitor and a single spst pushbutton that toggled the relay. Sorry I can't get any more descriptive than that, but I only saw it once and didn't think to write it down.

Any circuit will do as long as it's toggled by a single momentary switch and can handle 30 amps of current @ 12v.

Thanks for your help!
What power supply voltage do you have available for the relay coil? Is it acceptable to use an integrated circuit and a transistor?
Here is a relay Flip Flop. If you want to use a SPST push button rather than the SPDT, let me know and I'll alter the design. It will need 3 or 4 extra components.



  • relay_flip_flop.gif
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