High Frequency Transformer

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I need to buy a high frequency transformer. What are the steps I should follow for looking a transformer.
My input voltage(primary) should be around 60V and turns ratio be 8.5.
Primary Current 60 Amps.
Frequency of operation=10KHz
There is no transformer like that.
You must design it and make it or have some one make it for you.
turns ratio be 8.5
It is not clear if the turn ratio is 8.5:1 or 1:8.5. Is the transformer a step up or a step down?
Primary Current 60 Amps
That is not easy.
Frequency of operation=10KHz
Why so low? You can hear that. Most transformers for PWM operate more than 20khz so you can not hear the noise from the transformer.
Just curious Shadow_warrior:

What will be the source of the 60VAC, 60A, 10kHz signal to the xformer primary? And what will the xformer output (510VAC, ≈7A) be feeding?

(Just trying to suss out what you're up to ...)
I suspect he means a centre tapped primary with tap to V+ and push-pull drive.

(30V across each half winding in turn so 60V end-to-end.)
Running at 100khz will reduce the core size.
But won't it still need to be large to fit the wire?
At 10lhz:
Set the primary inductance so there is some ripple. Current average is 60A. Turn on the MOSFETs at 54A and ramp up to 66A.
At 100khz:
Set the primary inductance so there is some ripple. Current average is 60A. Turn on the MOSFETs at 54A and ramp up to 66A.
The difference is that the 100khz transformer has 1/10 as much inductance or 1/3 as many turns.
Full bridge. Two gate driver ICs (half bridge). Output inductor.

Is this what your are think of?
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