High tech (tacky) movie bless or curse????

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we all know the ocean 11,12,13 and the Mission imposible1,2,3 movies
they are much better than the james bond ones, but i have to say the last one whas much more realistic
but here is my point :some is fiction and some could be puled off
i am involved in some building projects from several embasies and bank buildings (i can not go to muched detailed on things, or i have to kill you if i do )and the numerous protections and traps they build in are massive
i still wonder if it's justified to go all that length, it's clear that the desicion makers believe the the things in the movies but in my oppinion there defenitly some things they build in that technical could not be justified so they add an extra security level
technicaly i see a problem as a chalenge but some times it doesn't make any sense and it's just a waste of money
not for the guys who spent your money on it (in case of an embassy)
and they are out there
i still wonder if it's justified to go all that length
Sometimes the most sophisticated security system can be defeated very easily. Seduction of a key person, phishing, human nature, etc.
kchriste said:
Sometimes the most sophisticated security system can be defeated very easily. Seduction of a key person, phishing, human nature, etc.

Absolutely. Google "Kevin Mitnick" for one example. One of the best things you can have for good security is well-trained, trustworthy people. In fact, without that, you're pretty much hooped from the start.

Low-tech also works well for certain things, like barriers to keep truck/van bombs from being driven into the building, etc.

Without saying what systems the original poster is thinking about I wouldn't want to guess at whether they are overkill or not. Besides, I do security for websites and such, not embassies.

vaults for a bank are now these day pretty indistructable even with the most mordern bunker bomb you still will survive (it would just bounce of with hardly making an impact and defenitly not causing a breach)
why they put an other wall around the vault (spacing 30cm inbetween)with IR camara system and equip the the space with seismologic sensors
overkill??? i would think so
I must agree with you rjvh because by some chance I had access to bank vault during contruction time. Walls made of concret with steel cables cut in pieces and mixed in so to prevent drilling, such a mess of sensors (seizimic, temp. IR, water, humidity and still not satisfied altough this is in Sarajevo and there is nobody around who could go trough ten times less sofisticated system. And they probably keep a 100.000 $ worth in it.
well some simple systems work well the first issue is knowing how it works if you have a complex but standard alarm (or whatever) half the games over and the guy knows how it works and only has to know ho to crack it but what about a simple but effective system that you don't even know how it works so your slumped figuring how it "normally" works before working out how to crack it
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