Hiring.. Need someone to finish PIC program

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New Member
I've been writing a program for a while now, trying to get it to work. I don't have any more time to spend on it as I have other things that need to be done. The program is fairly close to completeion and is not too complicated. I was wondering if I could hire someone capable to finish the program and wrap up the lose ends. We can discuss a fair price. My email is Thorpydo@sbcglobal.net and my aim name is Thorpydo.
It would help if you'd say what kind of job it is. There are people here used to interfacing with ADCs, LCDs, RS232 protocols, external circuitry, and other specialties.
Thorpydo said:
It's nothing specific; a fairly simple program.

At the risk of sounding rude, it sounds a very strange request - you say the program is simple, you've almost got it finished, but don't have time to complete it.

This sounds to me more like - you've been struggling for ages, haven't got a clue what you are doing, and the entire project needs starting from scratch!.

Assuming the code you've written so far is OK, you're fully familiar with that code and the projects aim - it should take you far less time than anyone else to complete it. For other people it may well be faster to start from scratch, rather than try and understand your code.

One other point, you don't have your location filled in, so we've no idea where in the world you might be?.

I might be interested in helping, but I'd expect a professional level of pay, and money up front!.
Tell you what- I've got a transmission I decided to rebuilt myself. I've done about 80% of it and got lost. Finish my transmission and I'll finish your project. It should be pretty easy for someone who knows what they're doing.
I don't think my offer was out of place and I don't appreciate the sarcasim.

Make all the assumptions you like, Nigel. I'm not here to impress anyone and could really care less.

I don't know what a professional level of pay would be, but I do have some money to spend. I can show you the program and what needs to be completed.

I'm from San Diego, California.
Thorpydo said:
I don't think my offer was out of place and I don't appreciate the sarcasim.

Make all the assumptions you like, Nigel. I'm not here to impress anyone and could really care less.

Sorry, I just had to throw it in. There are several mistakes that reoccur on the forum and it gets old. One of the most common is to ask for help without saying what you want help with. Some say they won't discuss it for patent reasons, yet generally you'd be safe discussing implementation details of different sections of the circuit, such as "What kind of circuit would be good for reading a differential pressure sensor?" In any case, it's pointless to ask for help and decline to provide details of what you need help with.
There are a few websites that allow you to post your project and get tender from other people.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to disclose those websites here.
I was planning on sending this to just the people interested. I guess thats not how it should have been done..?


  • frenzy_outline.doc
    47.5 KB · Views: 298
so it's for a paintball marker. mentioning that, or giving a general description of the program would have made things easier in the first place. (example - "the program must take input from some buttons, have a couple of outputs, store and retrieve some data to EEPROM, and implement some timing/delay functions" is more helpful than "it's pretty simple")

I have built a dual-solenoid electropneumatic marker basically from scratch
**broken link removed**

and I have done my own board for it as well. My board implements a serial link with a graphical windows application for changing timing settings, as well as a full menu system using 3 buttons on the rear (up/down, select) and a system of chirps/LED flashes. EEPROM storage of settings is also supported. All of that is tested and working. Eye support is on its way.
I'm currently moving it to a 16F88 so i can do serial firmware upgrades.

My code wouldn't be hard to adapt for a single-solenoid design like yours appears to be. you can email me at evandude@gmail.com if you want to talk about it. The only catch is that my software is all written in C (w/ cc5x compiler) so it would probably be easier for me to modify my current code than to finish yours.
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