Hiya, Can you help?

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New Member
Hello first of all, I am fairly new at the electronics hobby, i was hoping for a bit of info...

I was given a bunch of transistors, rold they came in a package from Radio Shack, I cannot make heads or tails of the numbers printed and no search fruits in results. Is there a way to tell what each transistor is? any help would be tremendously appreciated.. :wink:

Thanx a million!!!
You can try searching for the number printed on it in google, or post some numbers here.
Sounds cool, I will check Google, but in the meantime...

6774 p3(2)
142 pn 2907 (has white front)
m80 155
a9h 539(2) ebc
07 h04 225 (has red dot on top)

at least for starters...

I do appreciate your help~ :wink:
LOL...Oh well, I guess it's no biggie, they are cheap enough, I will be better off just trashing these and buying what I know.

I do appreciate your time in the matter!

Between school and work, it's hard enough checking messages here much less trying to search the internet for an obscure Transistor number.... :roll:

Thanx again!

Most of case enough to know: the transistor NPN or PNP, because the circuit can work with any type. (Just see in older ELEKTOR circuits: the transistors often marked as TUP or TUN: Transistor-Universal-N or P)
Cool, I will try that, Thanx again for the help!

Beginning in electronics here seems to be very exciting, finding out what does what in a circuit is very cool, I am sure I will have more questions...so again, thanx for all your help!
Noticed the 'ebc' - and it might help identify the leads - emitter, base, collector.

Having been there and done that, I'd have to say that I'd agree with the comments about setting them aside and purchasing low cost but known components. While learning, you'll need to remove as many of the uncertainties that can trip you up. You might not be able to tell if you've wired something wrong, selected the wrong device or you are working with a failed device. With that said, what you have might be of some value in that you can test them and do some experiments - especially with the 2907 - and the ones with ebc marked on them. Set them aside and go back to them someday.
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