HM2007 commands?! And ready project?!

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New Member
Someone has a ready project of the chip HM2007?!

with the commands!!!!!

I will be happy if someone will send me the project!!

in the language C (#include<stdio.h>...void main) you know what I mean!

because I need that for my project! to know how to control that chip!!!

Thank you very much !
Sorry it was i mastik 3 post!

this chip is Speech Recognition!

i was looking in google "hm2007"

i found a lot but not realy the commends!
Thanks must off them i have seen!

but it all ways good to see again to understand more!!

But I'm still confused about the commands in HM2007!!!

that is why I ask if someone has a ready project with the chip HM2007?!

to understand more about the commands!! and how it working!!

so please if someone found more about the commands please write to me!!

thank you very mach !!
But I'm still confused about the commands in HM2007!!!

that is why I ask if someone has a ready project with the chip HM2007?!

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