There are a couple of automation functions, I'd like to do.
1. Mute the TV
a. doorbell
b. telephone/intercom(nurse call)
c. New limited remote
2. un-mute the TV
a. Auto-magically - probably not, e.g. some time after telephone call hang up - maybe
b. New limited remote
TV is a Samsung system 6 and the remote is some combo IR and bluetooth, I'm going to try to play with a pulse-eight hdmi-CEC adapter. and this tool. I have no idea if this thing responds to IR. Samsung smartthings and IFTTT might also work.
These are the most annoying for now. Maybe, say a rasberry PI behind the TV?
Then I want some lighted indicatiors in the bedroom.
doorbell + an indication of front and back (no back doorbell yet). 10W LED light for like 2 minutes and smaller LEDS indicating front or back.
telephone / nurse call gets a bit complicated.
If you look at telephone only:
a) Off hook
b) off hook and talking
c) off hook and not talking for 15 minutes
d) ringing
The deal is, you really wan to know if the telephone is off-hook, but off hook and not talking for 15 minutes is what I really want,
I do have a commercial product I attached to a LED on top of the TV. It will immediately indictate off-hook and will indicate ring by flashing. I need to be able to turn that off remotely. Turning it back on when the phone goes on-hook would even be better.
I use a baby monitor to send the ring tone of a less used base to two parental units. That has LEDs that monitor intensity, I plaan to put a magnetic plug on the monitor so it can be disconnected easily.
I should be able to differentiate intercom from telephone, I would have ring or off-hook/(off-hook and talking) for telephone. ON hook + baby monitor is intercom/
If someone is talking on intercom, you get an interruption tone (very low ring)
The doorbell would require an interface too. For now it's a tradiional coil bell with an 16Vac supply. I had it lighted for a while. I added a resistor and LED inside the button.
The back doorbell will be a commercial DXS alarm transmitter with battery supervision.
I'd have to interconnect the doorbell to the pi and the light interface in the bedroom with RF. The entire interface in both locations would be really good except not as bright.
Some of this is available in a commercial product. They use light detection when your cell rings, It can do telephone, baby cry and have a builtin alarm clock with a bed shaker.