home made etching tank..what u think

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parts used:

1200Watt adjustable water heater..immerseable..ceramic coated for security against electric hazards or metal corrosion.. built in temprature control system ajdustable via knob...is sold as a replacement part for 30Liter wall mounted water heaters so its no hard to obtain at all..
cost: $13 USD approx

a fiber plastic tray of about 14x14 inches and 4 inches in height..custom made from materials used in making water tanks for houses..raw materials easily obtainable (witstands temps as high as 140C)
cost: $15 USD approx

a low speed high power, high duty cycle motor.. used in airconditioner air swingers, runs as 30 rpm
cost: $10 USD approx

the heater is mounted from the top so that it is immersed in liquid always bit doesnt get in touch with the tray body at all

the motor is mounted on top with the strirrer all immersed in the liquid all the time..

what is good to use as a strirrer.. ??

whole setup runs at 220VAC

tell me what u think.. i would soon start working on it.. (as soon im over with my exams) and would post pics too
Someone posted a link to a $40.00 bubbler with heater and everything. For $40.00 it's hardly worth making your own, unless the parts are almost free. (or I guess if you have to pay for shipping to the UK)

After a quick look around I found the link:

**broken link removed**

im getting everything for free ..from my father workshop.. execpt for the tray which cost me like $4 or $5 to make :lol:
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