Home Security System ~ AutoDialer

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New Member
Hi friends ,,,

Currently i finished working on my security system project.
The project details are furnished below ...

When a sensor goes ON , the system is activated and the preprogrammed phone number in the microcontroller is dialled with the help of a relay ~ PULSE DIALING SYSTEM.
The micro then produces a steady tone of 300 Hz with the help of a modem transformer for required time as preprogrammed.
The system uses a phone line.

I now want to extend my project such that the Phone number can be entered at any time without preprogramming the micro each and everytime. So i will be using a keypad. A 4x4 must satisfy i believe.
I want the micro to store about 5 - 10 Phone Numbers and dial it consecutively.
I am using a PIC16F628A which has 16 Input / Output Pins.
The person(i mean the owner of the house ) who is gonna install this circuit should be able to enter 5-10 phone numbers using the keypad in the micro and store them and without using using an LCD he can confirm that each number he dials is recognized by the circuit with the help of a LED.

Could someone help me how to proceed further.
And moreover i am a newbie to electronics and have just now begun with the use of micros.
I am not so familiar with micros and interfacing keypads.

The project details are given here ...
**broken link removed**

Thanks in advance !!!
Please Help Friends !!!


  • security.doc
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  • autocall.gif
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  • autocall.asm
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split the project into pieces.

1. dial the phone (this is done if I understood you correctly)
2. scan keyboard
3. turn on some led's (to verify the entered number)
4. store data into pic's eeprom

you can find examples of this in Nigel's tutorials:

if you do not understand some part of it, say
Hello All,

Why when try to compile this program using MPLAB, I have error messages "Executable code and data must be defined in an appropriate section".
It's start from line 43 to the end:
bsf STATUS,5 ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
bcf STATUS,6 ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
movlw b'00000010'

Thank you for help,

I think the original poster may have solved the problem, or moved on. It's been more than a year.
As i think ,u will need a dtmf ic like...HT9200A/B you need to make an array in which you can save the numbers through keyboard......You can communicate data serially....................
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