Hoping someone will help me with code concerning timer

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"The last parameter is timeout...."
Yes, well, moving on...
What does the 136 do in your code? Why is it there?
I find the ratio of the dit/dah time to be correct but otherwise useless.

This is what the scope sees on the collector of the mic preamp.
This point goes to D7 on the Arduino.
Scope shows one cycle ~2.3 ms. However tone freq. is 1029 Hz. and wpm = 20.

I could re-bias the transistor but will wait till the NE567 (s) arrive and then play with the preamp.
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Then your results are ok.. Your dit's are three times shorter than your dah's.. Why do you deem them useless..

If you are trying to receive 20WPM with an average of 5 characters per word... around 1 and 1/2 characters per second... If the timeout in pulsein() was reduced to 250mS you should be able to receive characters and process them..
Interesting! I've downloaded the code.
**broken link removed**
So far, I've wasted time correcting the comments in morse_codec.c and morse_codec.h.
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