How about adding one more forum?

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I was inspired by mikebits' request for proper BBQing.

As you know from experience, housewifes only cook what their mothers taught them. Sometimes they haven't even learned that little bit

From my long experience I also know that they don't develop any phantasy in the kitchen. They just cook.

A sauce for instance isn't supposed to be cooked (that's what most women do), it has to be composed.

I'm sure that we do have a lot of chefs around in the forum, who can exchange their recipes and if they don't get served "Hmmm, Hmmm superb" by their wifes they might at least dream of it; or stand by for an invitation at a friend's.

Vote for free cooks!

I don't see a need.

I'm not meaning to be rude but this is an electronics forum, we've got the lounge for stuff like this but if you want a cookery section then join a cookery forum.
Yeah I like your idea but as Hero999 said this isn't really the appropriate place for it. There are a lot of cooking or food forums that would probably be happy to add a topic like that to their forum if they don't have one already.
Doesn't necessarily have to be a separate forum.

When talking about braces we could as well talk about something off electronics, e.g. good cooking.

Very close topics anyway.
I know what they mean but I don't think that a electronic forum should have its own dedicated cooking section.
A cooking section on the forum might work if we discuss the electronics inside the stove.... or have some pics of nice woman in front of the stove
I would love to exchange recipes. Maybe it could be something useful under Alternative Energy?

I like women, but stay away from female-dominated forums for the same reason I don't go to Tupperware parties.

Maybe Electro Tech is not the right forum, but I would be interested in learning of one that is.

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I would love to exchange recipes. Maybe it could be something useful under Alternative Energy?


How about a recipe making potatoe balls? Cooked properly they're usable as cannon balls too.

Poking holes in them they develop the same sound as the real balls.

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I happen to like potato dumplings and almost anything made from potatoes, but they are probably not quite like what you are referring to. Have you ever shot a potato cannon?

I imagine for the majority here, all they cook are circuit boards and components
I actually do all the cooking in my family. My wife is a disaster in my kitchen so I won't let her cook...
I happen to like potato dumplings and almost anything made from potatoes, but they are probably not quite like what you are referring to. Have you ever shot a potato cannon?


Hi John,

potatoes are universal using them, e.g. use the starch to stiffen your collar of the shirt or duplicate stamps, carved within a couple of minutes.

Of course I shot a potatoe cannon made of a piece of a pipeline of almost 6" diameter. The dumplings were extra tough (almost like rocks) and I downed lots of Starfighters with it. I stopped counting after the 25th kill, one of the reasons why the German Air Force hat a total loss of 625 Starfighters.

In the GAF it was renamed "widow maker".

Good sales for Lockheed though.

You probably never tried so called "raw potatoe dumplings". If you like I'll give you the recipe in a PM. Once you've tasted them you won't like the "Pfanni thingis" anymore, which I guess are sold all over the world.

Yes, I would like the recipe. My mother was Italian, and I particularly like homemade gnocchi (almost pure potato, very little flour) with just butter and cheese. My job as a very young child was to roll them.

I imagine for the majority here, all they cook are circuit boards and components
I actually do all the cooking in my family. My wife is a disaster in my kitchen so I won't let her cook...

Hi Mike,

one more prove what housewives can spoil in the kitchen.

My second wife (out of four) used to cook "cabbage pudding". Just looking at it my digestionals turned inside out. Taste was about the same! She was very talented breaking glasses (also a collection of expensive whiskey glasses with frosted ornaments). Within two years she managed to get the dishes, plates, cups and everything made of porcelain renewed.

I'm generally very patient with wives, but in that case I had to make an exception to survive, declaring the kitchen a restricted area.

Concerning the majority of the members here, I rather think they are frying instead of cooking circuits and boards.

Yes, I would like the recipe. My mother was Italian, and I particularly like homemade gnocchi (almost pure potato, very little flour) with just butter and cheese. My job as a very young child was to roll them.


Almost on the way, John

I dunno - maybe we should have a cooking forum --- over the years I've cooked resistors, transistors, electrolytic caps, and even whole circuits (as opposed to whole cloves of garlic).
Hey Hans, I think if you start a cooking thread, and it stirs (Love puns) interest it just may stay active here in **** chat. I love to cook and would be glad to share my cooking secrets. Well... Not all of them
I make a pork spaghetti sauce so good I had to go into the witness protection program to hide from the Mafia ... Not really, in case any are
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