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How about that debate?

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Space Varmint

New Member
Does anyone think that thing was not staged & rehearsed?

These guys can do nothing but lie. They have lied themselves into the corner.

What really caught my attention is how McCain went on and on about Russia attacking Georgia when in truth it was the other way around.

I think we are defeating them.
I watched the last half an hour of it, and although I'm too young to give a piss about politics it seemed as though both McCain and Obama had stereotypical answers when the Russians were brought into the debate. I'm sure if they had more time, they could of came up with better answers than "Russia did not have the right to invade Georgia/going to invade the Ukraine", which is ironic, because America too did not have the right to Invade Iraq.

Personaly I would rather Obama as president, but he didn't "flare" in this debate. McCain was more hands on in the sense he got up to shake the guys hand when he asked a question, and Obama followed suit by Thanking him for his service only - Desperate attempt to copy McCain. During the last couple questions regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, And Iran McCain had an edge over Obama because of his experience, but his policies are Bush's policies - "Invade and hope they will agree to stop whatever they were meant to stop while its too late to retreat because the country has become a haven for insurgencies".

I think Obama's idea of talking with Iran is good because as he explained under Bush's reigm; because they didnt talk with North Korea and Iran, they more than quadrupled their nuclear activities - which is frightening.
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Although I'll be grudgingly voting for Obama (Wanted Ron Paul, wanted Libertarian, but Barr is an old school Republican who "claims" to have changed) I wont be happy about it. I guess it comes down to not wanting McCain to f*** up our country more with more Bush doctrine.
I think we are in trouble, regardless of who wins the election. Obama just doesn't have any actual experience as a leader of anything. No business, no mayor or governor, military, nothing I've heard about. Hasn't really done anything to stand out, except for running for president, without actual experience, and a seemingly never ending bag full of campaign funds. He was a part time collage teacher, then a part-time, first term junior senator. Really wish I knew where all that money is coming from, he'll probably buy the White House, just like his nomination. Count on him owing somebody some really big favors. I see him as potentially the most corrupt president ever.

McCain, I'm concerned about health issues, don't see him up to the challenge. With all the different qualities we need in a leader though, he comes closest. We really need the experience, too many critical things going on domestically, and around the world. We all know that the stuff in college text books, only vaguely applies to real world situation, and usually a few year outdated... McCain is a republican, same as Bush, they are going to follow their party's wishes. Does mean McCain will be exactly like Bush, hopefully they all learned a few things from the many mistakes.
I would like to have seen less back and forth finger pointing between the two candidates. I think McCain could've really increased his polling numbers by starting off his responses differently than "Senator Obama doesn't...". There's no doubt that McCains overall experience is far ahead of Obama's. I too believe that McCain won't wholly subscribe to the Bush Doctrine or "mandate" as Bush stated it after the beginning of his second term. I have belief that he will put this country and its people first when making critical decisions.

The very last question of the debate was the most stupidest one of the evening and indicative that it likely came from some touchy-feely left winger. Obama skated around it by giving a watered down response that quickly got off track leaving me still waiting for a real answer.
McCain answered it honestly, frankly, and IMHO a very good reply to such a whimsical question.
"So what I don't know is what the unexpected will be. But I have spent my whole life serving this country. I grew up in a family where my father was gone most of the time because he was at sea and doing our country's business. My mother basically raised our family.
I know what it's like in dark times. I know what it's like to have to fight to keep one's hope going through difficult times. I know what it's like to rely on others for support and courage and love in tough times.
I know what it's like to have your comrades reach out to you and your neighbors and your fellow citizens and pick you up and put you back in the fight.
That's what America's all about. I believe in this country. I believe in its future. I believe in its greatness. It's been my great honor to serve it for many, many years.
And I'm asking the American people to give me another opportunity and I'll rest on my record, but I'll also tell you, when times are tough, we need a steady hand at the tiller and the great honor of my life was to always put my country first." a video & transcript of the Nashville debate

At this point, what else can I put forth here but:

**broken link removed**
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Does anyone think that thing was not staged & rehearsed?

These guys can do nothing but lie. They have lied themselves into the corner.

What really caught my attention is how McCain went on and on about Russia attacking Georgia when in truth it was the other way around.

I think we are defeating them.
You couldn't pull out anything good from that debate? You need to listen more carefully. Both candidates provides some reasonably good answers along with hints on who is truly capable of being a leader. I'd rather have a leader that might accidentally lead me into deep water, but at the same time be able to lead me back out of it, over someone who can't even swim amongst the big fish, let alone the sharks, barracudas, and pirhanas.
It doesn't matter. Barring any dramatic event happening before Nov 4th, the election is a foregone conclusion. I am much more worried about the destruction of my personal wealth due to the credit crisis.
It doesn't matter. Barring any dramatic event happening before Nov 4th, the election is a foregone conclusion. I am much more worried about the destruction of my personal wealth due to the credit crisis.
Depending how we are led during the next 4 years could totally make or break your personal wealth! It's important.
Move your money into several banks might be a good idea.

I actually heard someone suggest that right now is a good time to invest in the stock market as prices are so low... Hmm
Found this the other day, though it was a pretty good retouch job...


  • obama-smoking1.JPG
    202.8 KB · Views: 253
I was busy watching the Canadian political election race. Our election for a Prime Minister is sooner than the election in America.

We don't have a NOOB black guy nor an oldie in our election.
But one of our candidates can hardly speak English (he is a French-speaking Canadian).
He is 10 years younger than me but acts and looks older.
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You couldn't pull out anything good from that debate? You need to listen more carefully. Both candidates provides some reasonably good answers along with hints on who is truly capable of being a leader. I'd rather have a leader that might accidentally lead me into deep water, but at the same time be able to lead me back out of it, over someone who can't even swim amongst the big fish, let alone the sharks, barracudas, and pirhanas.

Oh come on. You don't know that was a completely scripted and staged event? Even the questions are scripted. They are just puppets of the real rulers of this country now declared on paper with the bail out....Goldman Sax which is the Treasury dept.

Blasted bankers! :mad:
I watched the last half an hour of it, and although I'm too young to give a piss about politics it seemed as though both McCain and Obama had stereotypical answers when the Russians were brought into the debate. I'm sure if they had more time, they could of came up with better answers than "Russia did not have the right to invade Georgia/going to invade the Ukraine", which is ironic, because America too did not have the right to Invade Iraq.

Personaly I would rather Obama as president, but he didn't "flare" in this debate. McCain was more hands on in the sense he got up to shake the guys hand when he asked a question, and Obama followed suit by Thanking him for his service only - Desperate attempt to copy McCain. During the last couple questions regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, And Iran McCain had an edge over Obama because of his experience, but his policies are Bush's policies - "Invade and hope they will agree to stop whatever they were meant to stop while its too late to retreat because the country has become a haven for insurgencies".

I think Obama's idea of talking with Iran is good because as he explained under Bush's reigm; because they didnt talk with North Korea and Iran, they more than quadrupled their nuclear activities - which is frightening.

I think for a young guy, you are very observant.. :)
I think for a young guy, you are very observant.. :)

If you think about the strategy that came out of placing military base's in Germany pointing nuc's and having the threat of plane's within reach of Russia.

You have no clue about the strategy of placement inside Iraq regardless of the WMD's. It's about being within strike distance.

No, different in Korea and China.

If you are going to protect the supply of oil to an oil demanding country you put the military where you need them. 9-11 was simply an excuse to move them into place.

Furthermore you have the ability to displace training for Terrorist Camps and upset their timeline's for implementing their stratagem's.

The cost is great to fight a war nobody want's but ( He who hesitates is lost) and now we have to deal with these greedy retards at home and abroad who will make no sacrifice. But are willing to Corporately mismanage hard working honest people finances around the world.

What we don't need today are anarchist attempting to shred what little there is that is left.

The times, they are a-changin.

As the younger folks love to say, this ain't your grandaddy's world anymore.

International borders are but lines drawn upon some paper, and thoughts and ideas freely cross those borders. Where once there were third world countries, second level continents and the United States, it is now a fast melding hodge-podge of speculation, wonder and surprise.

Who can keep up with what's happening today?

Who can you trust anymore? At one time, a man's word was his reputation, believed without hesitation. No longer, I'm afraid, do many of our so-called leaders deserve very much credibility. And political party has nothing to do with it. There are liars on both side of any issue, telling the populace only what they think we want to hear but with their own agenda firmly in place in the background.

I can understand people thinking Obama might make a good president. At least he is different, right? But when it comes to his background and ability to lead, his own written words shed an entirely different light on his true reason for seeking governmental power.

And McCain seems too old and behind the times and too Bush-like for many people to support. I'm afraid his supporters are, like him, living in a past age where freedom and responsibility and committment were important in daily lives and governmental affairs. His followers are, largely, those who would like to see it still their granddaddy's world.

Someone, I believe that one with the big stick, said this election would be one of the most important ever in this nation. That's true, because if the wrong man gets elected, the republic will be on the straight-line portion of a downhill slide.

Get ready for Space Varmit's One World Government.

One man's opinion.
Oh come on. You don't know that was a completely scripted and staged event? Even the questions are scripted. They are just puppets of the real rulers of this country now declared on paper with the bail out....Goldman Sax which is the Treasury dept.

Blasted bankers! :mad:
Albeit some questions "could" have been scripted (as was "allegedly" done in 2000 Pres. Debates), but the candidates dialogues weren't scripted.

Gosh SV, please tell us what it's like to live one's life in a state of fear, distrust, and hopelessness? On second thought, please don't!:(
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