How and Where to get Cygnal C8051F Dev Tool and Keil C

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New Member
Dear all,

Nice to know you.

I'm new here and new to 8051 programming. I'm from Malaysia. Does anyone here know where i can get Cygnal C8051F Dev Tool and the software Keil C in Malaysia or through internet?

I've checked through They don't have stock for C8051F Dev Tool. For Keil C, the software is not shipped to any areas outside US from what i got in

Waiting for your help. Thanks a lot.

Albert Leng
Cygnal was bought by Silicon Labs. should let you order on-line. You can also order through Digikey and mouser. I learned the 8051 on these same chips and they are really good as a learing tool. The kit comes with a free Keil C compiler that will compile code up to 4KB.
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