How can computer log off automatically...

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How can the windows XP log off automatically when i am not using it for say next five minutes...

it might be important in my arena...


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I got it...

Go to control panel...

select 'power options'

select advanced ' tab.

select second option checkmark - "prompt for password when ..... standby "


When unable to find the folder ' power options '

then on top left view of control panel...

we can see - switch to classic view...


i am running win 2000, i have mine set up to go to the log in screensaver and require a password. then i can set the amount of time before it does it. the only problem is, is that the computer is locked not logged off.
yeah what he said above. Just set up a screensaver with the prompt for password box ticked, and when you move the mouse or something, it will take you to the login page.

I got it...


You could also set your Power Management to suspend or sleep mode the monitor and HD as well, saving electricity consumption. It will wake-up once you move the mouse and then log in.
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