how can i conect pin of lcd with micro at mega32

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New Member
i am begineer in using micro atmega32 and want help
i want to know how connecting pin of graphical LCD with micro control at mega32
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why no one answer me
I realy want help

You wait a grand total of 8 minutes, then complain that no-one is helping you?

I'm quite sure that Eric's links took him less than 30 seconds to find, using the same words from your post.

You could have easily done that, instead of waiting to be spoon-fed.
i cant do any thing with this information
i want to do simulation in proteus with graphical lcd LM3228 128*64 AND atmeaga 32
and i cant connect them and try a lot of things but with out gain
i dont know which pin of lcd connect with micro please help me
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