how can I do PIC programmer by usp port

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New Member
i can do PIC programmer by serial port with computer...
but i want to do PIC programmer by USP port to connect with computer

i can Attach PIC Programmer by serial port.. to watch it.. but later..

thank you if you reply
thank you if you noy reply
blueroomelectronics said:
If you mean USB port then the Junebug is the way to go. Did you get yours yet Nigel?

Yes I did thanks, I havent started it yet though - so much to do, so little time!
That's the Inchworm, it's for serial ports and is somewhat fussy about USB to Serial adapters. If you want USB then look at the Junebug instead, it actually uses less parts than the Inchworm if you only need the programmer half (top schematic in the manual)

Ya .. i want usb port .. but i want any thingto help me as like file... pdf... etc ...
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morabet said:
Ya .. i want usb port .. but i want any thingto help me as like file... pdf... etc ...

The far from complete but the schematic and BOM are there in on my site, look for the Junebug link and download the assembly manual.
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