how can I made circuit like this shape...?

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this is the first sharing of me , please If anyone have idea to made circuits like this shapes .... in the Attached Thumbnails.... , please tell me if anyone found this circuit , thanks


  • heart 1.gif
    45 KB · Views: 161
  • heart 2.gif
    2.8 KB · Views: 249
thank you for responding , my frend , gabeNC , the circuit I need it, it is the circuit make the shape like in the picture in Attached Thumbnails.....thanks
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No, that circuit won't do what you want.

First it flashes all LEDs at the same time and secondly it won't make single heart symbols using LEDs.

You'll have to build an astable timer and a decimal counter circuit. Cut the PCB to your desire and place the LEDs to form a big heart. The small hearts have to be cut in a stencil, with red LEDs placed underneath the symbols. Put the LEDs in "channels" to make the small hearts look as single symbols and cover the entire picture with red acrylic glass.

See attachment.



  • HEARTS.gif
    8.6 KB · Views: 154
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