How cool is this?

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The guy I did my senior engineering project with (Blake) has another engineering buddy that's married. They are slowly realizing that the wife is starting to out-nerd both of them. Last week she asked her hubby if she could borrow a Digi-key catalog from Blake.

How freaking cool is that? I asked if she had a sister, but she's only 16. I might have to go check state law.

16's legal in the UK

But you can't get married without parental permission until you're 18.
Like I said in another post to this:
Electronics & Females are completely different categories.

Females that are into electronics, are hunted to extinction.
How freaking cool is that? I asked if she had a sister, but she's only 16. I might have to go check state law.
In this case the 16 year-old sisters, of females, that are into electronics.
Why do women hate electronics so much? Is it because of that damned mnemonic for the resistor color code? We need to change that thing bad. Forrest Mims suggested using "Big Ben Rings Out: Young Girls Buy Volkswagens, George Washington!"

Ok, yeah - pretty stupid, but maybe girls wouldn't get disgusted with that one.
What if most gals got into electronics what would happen the that WOW factor ' Honey look what I made' then her pulling from behind her back saying ' thats nothing take a look at this' . Us guys would be reduced to the dark ages....
That all depends on whether ya missus needs one or 2 bar stools to sit down.

We used to have an old lady in the office at work, Mrs. Wills - she had to use two chairs to sit down

I'm just glad she never fell down, I don't know how we've had got her back up.
Here's a Canadian, female technician -- maybe Audio Guru can explain this "creature"?

**broken link removed**
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