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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

how do i get circuit board made for project??

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New Member
i have a project im working on. several ideas, nothing specific at the moment. i am have the basic idea of what i want my project to do. my question:

how do i get a circuit board made for my project?

do i tell someone what i want my project to do and they can build one?

who do i talk to about building one to control my unit?
You have a few options.

If you can design and layout the PCB you would submit it to one of the following fab houses to have it made.
**broken link removed**
Quality Sunstone PCB Printed Circuit Boards |
PCB Order | DorkbotPDX PCB Manufacturer, Quick Turn High Quality Printed Circuit Board Discount, Online quote and order
(plenty of others -- Google)

If this is one-off project you could also makethe PCB at home, Google "Homemade PCB".

If you can only design the circuit then yes you would have to get in touch with someone to design the board itself, you would specify dimensions and provide your schematic. There are likely a few other important details but I would hope the person making the board would question you about them.

If you only have an idea then yes you would need to find someone willing to design and build the circuit for you. This board is a good start. I'm sure there are several members here who would offer their services (for a fee). It really depends on the project, an LED flasher would take far less resources than an autonomous robotic housekeeper would. You also need the budget to match. Scale and depth of the project are important to mention.
i have this idea. its like alot of other peoples ideas in the fact that "its the best idea ever". i might need to get a patent on it(if possible) so for now i am in secret incognito mode. (cant reveal my true intentions...muhahahahahaha)

unfortunatly i am not an electrical engineer. i do not know how to make the electronics for my 'idea'. it shouldnt be much harder than the controls for an alarm clock.

i want a digital display. must be able to set parameters(like the time for an alarm) i will have a unit sending a signal to the 'circuit board' when the signal reaches the parameters that are set then it will send a signal to another unit to start/stop(alarm)

if i know what i want my unit to do and i have some sort of prototype plan, how do i turn my idea into reality?

im sorry i really dont belong on a electronic tech site. i am smart but not as smart as most here im sure. but if anyone could help point me along on my journey i would be very happy. i feel like im stuck on my idea.
In-house PCB Manufacture this may help in your PCB making
the idea is somewhat an old one.. actually it's in use in my home for things ranging from microwave ovens to simple refrigerator defrosters
Since you don't want to share your design (the only way you'll get anywhere on an open forum) you might as well hire a designer. Circuit Cellar offered such a service (not sure they still do) but it costs money.

My advice is post your specs here, we can then possibly advise on a course of action. I've seen zillions of ideas that were the next big thing and very very few actually are.

PS if it's as simple as an alarm clock then they're a good chance it already exists.

PPS I do contract design work. PM me.
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If it is simply an "idea" at the moment, there are likely to be a multitude of variables which will be subject to change throughout the process from design, to full production.

Basic operational requirements such as user input method, display method, transmission protocol, operating voltage, current consumption, PCB dimensions, overall device dimensions, ROHS conformities, et al, need to be stipulated in a RFQ to an engineer.

The initial "I want a 'XXXXXXX' device which the user inputs and stores information via Up, Down, + & - push buttons in a menu, with the information displayed on a 2X16 character LCD, communicating over RS232, powered by a 12V Wall-wart, in a 2"X4"X4" enclosure." can quickly change into "I need a 'XXXXXXXX' device which the user inputs and stores information via an encoder wheel, with the information displayed on a 128X64 GLCD, communicating over USB and having the capability to run on batteries, or mains power, in a 1.5"X3"X3" enclosure." as the idea evolves.

Assuming the initial project is accepted as a paid job, some seemingly small changes, to the designer, can have a significant impact to overall costs from the engineering/programming point, due to PCB re-design or firmware re-writes etc.

As Bill advises, post your specs/project outline here for review.

You'll likely get plenty of help for free.....
A PATENT! you will go broke defending your patent anyway. Watch the movie A STROKE OF GENIUS about the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper.
He sued the big 3 auto makers and 20-25 years and thousands of dollars later (ruined his marriage, he died) before his kids got any money.
Only patents worth anything are RX patents but the manufacture has lots of $$$$ to defend their patent.
You build the greatest invention ever and tomorrow they will be made in China. Just try and sue a Chinese company! good luck!!
I myself have the best deer avoidance system ever designed but no way am I going to get a patent. Costs to much and life is too precious to spend all my time in court.
I might add numerous people on this forum have helped in the design of this WORLDS GREATEST INVENTION
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