I chose to make a Calculator for my "Microcotrollers and Its Applications" course's Project component. I'm not really good at ASM progrmming, I'm more of a C guy (I'm not really good at programming microcontrollers though), but my faculty said the projects MUST be coded in ASM language. So I scoured the Internet for a calculator program and found one (Code Attached). When I showed the code to my Faculty, he said that he wanted the calculator to perform 16 bit operations. So I scoured the internet again and came up with nothing, there wasn't a single ASM code for a 16 bit calculator. So I decided to edit the code myself and simply tried to multiply he first input by 10 and then add it to the second input, but when I tried this I didn't get the desired output. Can someone help me perform 16 bit operations? I'm a total noob at ASM programming, so I'd really appreciate the help