How do I post a Private Message (PM)

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Under your name at the top of any page, select "Conversations".

Then, in the upper right press "Start a Conversation", enter a member name and then enter your PM.
OK, did that, and a new page comes up. Where can I type the message and how do I specify where to send it?
My intention is to PM the moderator as was requested in the rules/guidelines. Maybe if I start typing in naughty things I'll get his attention? (that's a joke).
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If this is the window your seeing, click into and fill in the areas with the red dot.

Participants = type in the first few letters of their name - matching letter combos will appear.
Conversation Title = whatever.
last red dot = Body of your message.
Can't seem to find such a box. I found the "Conversation" choice just under my username, and click it and get to some type of conversation page.

From there I tried everything clickable, including just under the main tab in dark blue: "Conversations", "Starred Conversations", and "conversations you started". Nothing.

Further down with the little house I clicked "Conversations" which also got me nowhere.
much further down is another house and I clicked it's "Conversations" to the same effect - nothing.
I tried "full width" which isn't it. I tried the tab "Conversation display options" which has "show all conversations", "received by", "started by", and even the "set option" button. Still nowhere.

On the right side on the blue bar, "replies", "last message" didn't help.

Then I tried the "Selected Conversations: 0" on the middle blue bar. The options "other action...", "leave", "mark", a few "star", and "unstar" options, "deselect" ...all apparently work with a conversation which doesn't exist yet.

There isn't anything else I can find to click!

I know I am not the brightest star in the galaxy but this tends to appear less than intuitive and user friendly.

I just want to ask the moderator (who's name I now forget) if I can post information on a Kickstarter campaign I am running. I don't know if that is considered "commercial" or not. He left instructions on the post that this originated from, but this was somehow moved to I-don't-know-where.
Does this show at the top of the page?:
Just a sliver of blue. Click on that. We've been told this button (Start a New Conversation") is partially hidden by the search button because of ad blockers on our PCs. Don't know about that but I do have ad blockers enabled and I'm unwilling to turn it off and back on every time I log in/out of ETO.

Does this show at the bottom of the page?:
This one should be obvious.

Both buttons get me to the window I posted a snip of in #3 above.

If need be, I'm willing to PM someone for you if you'd like.


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Sorry, I don't have any blue slivers. I tried clicking below the search box, but no joy.

BTW: Thanks for helping me.

This is what I see (using Firefox).
This is proof that Murphy was an optimist.
Maybe if you started a conversation to me my conversation page would have something do format a proper screen around?
I too have the same problem with Conversations. There are no 'Start a Conversation' buttons anywhere that I can find. I've read through this thread and followed all the info but I still have the problem. I am running an advertising blocker because I got totally invaded the other day from an adsite attached to the forum homepage, however, I disabled it and it makes no difference at all.
Perhaps the 'powers that be' will pick this up and help me.
Hey folks, and Cowboy in particular, I believe I have my 'conversations' thingie fixed.
I received an email a few days ago that said my password was reset. I suppose that had to be done to fix the issue. So today I logged on and I was able to send a conversation message to ElectroMaster!

Thanks for your help!
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