Hi guys, I am a beginner in Arduino and made a small code for a project. The project is as you turn the pot, the frequency given out on the speaker outputs a range of frequencies from 0-9000 Hz. It works on my Arduino Mega, but not on my teensy. I understand that the mega/UNO has a ADC resolution of 0-1023. For the teensy its ADC resolution is 0-65535, and DAC resolution is 0-4095, but am I using it right with my 100K potentiometer? (also would like to know how to choose a pot for these applications)
As I turn the pot, it works, but when I hit the ends, it starts behaving weirdly, I assume its the problem with my pot but didn't want to jump to conclusions. And soon I will be making my own electret microphone amplifier circuit and attaching it to the teensy. I used the teensy because it has a very high ADC and DAC sampling resolution. Let me know if this is fine. Thank you.