How do you find the norton equivalent?

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New Member
I'm working on the following circuit to find the Norton equivalent. I can find the equivalent for other circuits really easily because the terminals at the end of the circuit. But in this circuit the terminals are in the middle and its really confusing me? Could some give me a hand rearranging it please to find the equivalent?



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Try with the attached schematic, but the position of the output port doesn't really matter.


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I would first find the Thevenin equivalent, then convert it to Norton.

My recollection of how to find the Thevenin is to:-

1. Calculate the open circuit voltage (V), ie. the voltage at the output port with no load.

2. Calculate the short circuit current (I), ie. apply a short to the outpout port and calculate the current through it.

3. Calculate the Thevenin resistance = V/I

4. The convert it to Norton equivalent
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