If of any use, I keep my laptop working by never using on my lap or cushion where the air vents get blocked. That is murder, seen it too often. And added taller feet under it even for desk use.
About viruses, I have had zero in 10+ years.
When I want a new version of operative system, like every 2-4 years, I install a blank/blanked hard drive and archive the old drive complete with everything intact to return to full operation when needed if the current fails. Have like 4 in recycle queue, well labeled.
For handling, I never yank nor carelessly unplug the charger. And while thunderstorms, gets unplugged from the wall. You would be shocked to see how youngsters handle them, as if it was a wind toy. Ah!... instead of closing the lid/screen that kills the hinge wiring, I slide a tiny magnet to the sensor when I want it to go dormant. Otherwise, full shut-off.
For not pulling my hair, I do not do Windows, avoid doing Google, have two adblockers, never played games or watch TV/movies. It is a tool, not an entertainment center.
If am forced to do something on Windows, I can swap its hard drive quickly with a Windows one trough an opening I cut on the plastic bottom, 1 screw and the sata connector away. Never mix double booting and do not have anything Microsoft nearer than 5 metres away.
For piling up and archiving, an external USB keeps all data. No OS backup in it.
Paranoic and control freak. Works for me.