I started out watching videos on Web Servers. (Raspberry Pi 3).
Do not watch any old videos. Things have changed. I tried to only watch 1 year old and less videos. I try to watch only Pi 3 because that is what I have and that is what I have.
There is more than one operating system. There will be small changes.
There are several different text editors. "Type CtrlX here" I think you can get through those changes.
My big problem was to try more than one Web Server on the same SD card. Things went wrong and I had to start over. Now I have a good SD card with most thing working well. (no web server) Then I make a copy of it and play with the big changes. If I don't like it I can format and start over.
I am not "software". I am "hardware". So this is hard for me. I have not made every thing work yet. I used FLASK. I had a web page up and can see it from any where in my network. I could not get the "dynamic" part to work.
The problems on my end are; too little C, too little PYTHON, too little time, and a old head.
Every time I almost get it working some one offers money for me to design some hardware and then two months down the road I can't remember where I was.
I saw a "hat" for the Pi. (It is a data logger, hardware, that records temperature and voltage and current.) It comes with software to put the Pi on the network. From the advertisement it looks much like what I want to do. I might just get the board and install the data logger web server software. I think I know how to modify the program. I just can't get thing up and running from zero.