How far can IR cetec?????????

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New Member
HEy all.... i want to ask about the IR detector(LED and photodiode)...!!! how far can it be??? can be around 10cm????

If not.... wat should i do??? is that necessay i use the powerful detector like panasnic one?? erm...!!! i so blur now..~` hope someon :? e can help me
have you got a circuit in mind?
An IR emitter can work many meters..
try this ..
get a TV remote ..
set a port pin for input .
hook up detector output to port pin input ..( the detector should output a series of 0 to 5V pulses).
point remote at detector
if your pic has analog input even better..
hook up the detector output to analog input and see waveform of the remote ( they are all different )
ic.... but how about i don;t want too far... erm... got a certian distance.. like 15cm only..??... if that possible i set the distance for the IR pair??
act i got the detector already,.. its a panasonic branded .. from data sheet.. it shows that it only 3m max.. :roll:
Over longer range, you need to send pulses and detect the change in the receiver, otherwise ambient light will trigger it. Ambient light usually doesn't interfere with a short range thing because the signal strength at 1 cm is so much higher.

IR with a packet of pulses is used for laser tag & military game guns, those range at least 100s of feet.
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