How many microseconds has a cycle ?

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Does anyone know how many microseconds has a cycle for the instruction set for msp430a320 microcontroler (Texas Instruments)? I also noticed that instruction length is given in words ; so how many microseconds has a word ?
that's going to depend on the clock frequency, and the internal divider it goes through.

on PICs the clock frequency is divided by 4.

time for a particular instruction is going to depend on the instruction in question... some take one instruction cycle, some take more.
So if I have the frequency and the divizor , what do I do ? The frequency is 32768 Hz, I don't know the divzor yet , but when I do what shoud I do to find out the length of a cycle in microseconds, or the length of a word in microseconds ?
aral said:
Does anyone know how many microseconds has a cycle for the instruction set for msp430a320 microcontroler (Texas Instruments)?
I could not find that exact chip, this is as close as I could find: **broken link removed**

Here are two of the bulleted features from the list:
* 16-Bit RISC Architecture, 300 ns Instruction Cycle Time
* Single Common 32 kHz Crystal, Internal System Clock up to 3.3 MHz

All of those look like rounding. As you mentioned before 32768 Hz, and an internal multiplier 100x, giving around 305 ns per instruction.
1/internal CPU frequency = instruction time
1/3 300 000hz = 303ns

approximated to 305ns.
I took the 32.768 KHz clock, assumed it does a 100x multiplier, to get 3.2768 MHz (3 276 800 Hz) . To go from frequency to period, you divide 1 by it. 1 / 3.2768 MHz = 0.000 000 305 175 781 25 s, or just a smidge over 305 nanoseconds.
Damn so many answers :roll:
Well as it was said before, and i can recomend you to get an calculator too, you need the working speed and the time that your micro takes to execute one instruction, oh, some instructions take diferent times than others, and there is no standard for bit processing speeds so, as you might guess, each design, each micro will have it's own time to execute instructions, some instructions are slower than others, some micros are slower too :lol: , you will allways need to do the math for that, it's not hard has you see, the execution speed you get at the datasheet, the working speed, well that's up to you , more advices on Hertz try this and see what an Hertz is :lol:

Well, have fun with time , cya.
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