How much do you pay for your electricity ?

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Well-Known Member
What do you pay for your electricity in your country.

This is for Auckland , New Zealand

Lets include tax, gst and loyalty discounts which some power companies give you.
So basically what do you pay per kilowatthour kWh and what linecharge, supply charge per day do you pay.

Then make a comparison with the US dollar.

I checked my latest bill from Mercury Energy dated April the 7th.

Price per kWh NZ 18.36 cents = US 14.7 cents ( 1NZ$ = 80 US cents).
Daily linecharge NZ 99.87 cents = US 79.9 cents.

Looking forward to your replies.

There are more ways to get to Rome.

Electricity, Electric clocks, Meters and Trains are great.
Dunno, I quit paying my electricity bill a few months ago. They keep threatening that they're going to discon
Here in Brisbane, I pay US 14.5 cents (AU 15.5) per kWh and US18 cents (AU 19.5) per day line charge.

Hi Raymond,

You're not going to believe it but this is my electricity bill
from last year.

I paid € 215,26 * 1,21 = €260 for 1069 kWh. (21% VAT)

That's € 0,244 or $ 0,390 per kWh.

I don't know where all those taxes are for, I only know that I
have to pay or it's back to the stoneage.
You can imagine what my tax invoice looks like.

Poor devil on1aag.


  • Electricity bill 2007.PNG
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in cambodia you pay $0,21 a Kw
say it wrong in Phnom Penh

other provincial towns (if available) is between $0.35 and $0.5

garuanteed that you have at least power cuts for minimum number of 5 times a week and avarage duration of 6 hours no mater which town

(they help you to safe electricity)

In Southern California, my "basic" line charge is about 0.03/day. "Delivery" charge is around 0.07/kWh. "Energy" charge varies by consumption. First 223 kWh are 0.03, but it rises to 0.17 for the amount that I use. Energy charges are from a blend of two suppliers (DWR is pretty flat near 0.09, while it'e SCE that's graduated from 0.03 to 0.17) DWR provided 29% of my power last month. State tax is 0.00022/kWh.

In addition, Ongoing CTC $4.03, transmission charges of $2.52, Nuclear decomissioning charge $0.31, Public Purpose Program Charge $3.64, and Trust Transfer Amount $3.77.

I paid US$77.69 including tax and everything for 529 kWh, netting out to just under US$0.15/kWh.
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on1aag said:
You can imagine what my tax invoice looks like.

Hi onlaag

i know what it looks like
that it whas one of the reasons (the weather also) to leave holand

I just paid $96.12 CDN for 1312 kWh (All fees and taxes in) which works out to $0.0733 per KWh. It's pretty cheap as it is from a public utility generating mostly from Hydro electric dams.
Shocking prices, especially on1aags example.

We used to pay NZ$0.08 kWh (US$ 0.06) in year 2000 before the so called privatisation, supposedly to make the electricity cheaper. Well we have seen that. It effectively doubled in 8 years to NZ$0.18 kWh

For our Aussi members here in this forum. Fight any privatisation in Australia, because your prices will rise sharply after new bureaucracies have worked out to rip the customer off with all types of new taxes etc.

I left The Netherlands in 1988 and the kWh price was than Fl 0.25 probaly around US$ 0.16 kWh, already too high anyway.

My last monthly bill was NZ$ 196.26 for 933 kWh linecharge was NZ$32.00 of that. (about US$ 155.00)

Regards, Raymond
I had a one off purchase over 5 years ago and aint paid for power since, well the only cost is fuel to run the 80 amp charger once a month to equalise the batterybank. Oh and in summer when people on the grid have frequent power outages we're sitting pretty with the aircon running watching the cricket.
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