how send serial data with PIC

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hi thr

i need assembly code how to send serial data with pic 16F84a

i wana pin RA3 to be the output for serial data

also i want know how to generate clock pulse for with pic which is will be same time with send with serial data i wana use pin RA2 for tht
thanx i was looking this part

i want send the serial bit through pin RA3 to serial LCD

my 1st frame will be as this 00010 0001

but LCD also require clock pulse and this pulse should be synchronize with serial data i want this pulse generate when pic start RUNing i hope u can help me in this when i finish this i will put complete one there
It's still unclear what you're trying to do?, is it send syncronous serial?, and what's it got to do with an LCD?.
i am using nokia LCD 3310 and it is has this pin
SCLK Input for the clock signal: 0.0 to 4.0 Mbits/s.
D/C LOW command mode or high DATA mode
SEC The enable pin allows data to be clocked in. The signal is
active LOW
SDIN 8 bit serial DATA in

i did every thing just remaining that there should be clock pulse for LCD

i want RA4 to generat clock pulse 4 LCD (am using 16F84)
some one told that i can use 16F877 which has bulid in clock pulse out which is pin RC3

i hope i make clear 4 u


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Isn't this just SPI?, try searching for examples, and I think the 877 has it in hardware?.
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