Hi Nigel Goodwin, I use a STM uC, specifically a STM32F405RGT6, STM32F103C8T6, STM32L432KBU6, and many other uC's which I have kept aside based on my prototype tests. But when I see a tutorial, one in specific says, a 10uF cap needs to be placed in parallel with all the other decoupling caps for the uC, he says (In the video) that STM says its specified, but I have searched the Datasheet and its no where to be found. The other one is, VBAT is a pin in the uC, the Datasheet says you dont need a cap, but in the video he adds an extra one.
If you take a look at the screenshot below, the VBAT (highlighted in red) doesn't specify using a cap, nor do the points below (highlighted in orange) say that a capacitor needs to be placed near VBAT. The decoupling caps (highlighted in blue) don't specify the use of a 10uF cap nor do the points (in orange also state). I have also placed the schematic below for you to see what the video has told me to do. I have highlighted the respective one's in their colour for you to check what I have a question in.