how to attach a zif socket to inchworm +

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Just finished fabricating the inchworm + on a breadboard. after much struggle, mplab is successfully connecting and os download went ok.

anyways, what I am now wondering is how to add a 40 pin zif socket to it so that i can use it as a simple programmer untill i grow up to in-circuit debugging etc.

sorry for noob question. I am just another sw guy so got all confused with the 'pull-up' stuff in the Target PIC Notes of the inchworm plus assembly guide.

Edit : I have also looked at the firefly instructions and schematic but I dontr have th brains to extract the circuit that just converts the ICD connection to the zif socket. especially where does the MCLR connection come from.
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thanks for quick turn around Bill.
what I meant was, where does it come from.
do I connect the pin marked VPP in the ICD connector to pin 1, 6 and 15 of the 40 pin ZIF ?

could you also help me understand if the pull-up stuff is required only for in-circuit debugging or otherwise also ?
The MCLR pullup is required for your target to run. The ICD2 will complain if you set the internal MCLR off and use the internal OSC in your target.

Only pins 1 and 14 are connected to MCLR on the ZIF, only enable one at a time.
Hmmm . I think I am asking a simple question in the wrong way. so heres the question again

There are 5 wires that end up in the ICD connector. How do I connect these 5 wires to the 40 pins of the ZIF so that I have a plain vanila PIC programmer (no debugging reqd at present).

There is no wire named MCLR in the ICD connector.:-(.
You could have figured this out by looking at the pinout diagram on the 16F877A data sheet. If you want to do anything useful you need to start reading them!

You only need 3 lines plus power and GND.

MCLR and VPP are the same and go from VPP on the Inchworm to pin 1 on a 40 pin PIC.

You need two more lines PGC (Program Clock) and PGD (Program Data). The clock goes to 39 and the data does to 40.

Inchworm 16F877A
VPP------- 1
PGC----- 39
PGD ---- 40

Then you need to hook the Inchworm +5 and GND to the PIC.

It is easy to put a 5 pin header on your target as indicated in the inchworm instructions.

No additional connections are needed for debugging. You will like the debugger.
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Hello pkshima, I think this is what you are looking for. It is from the Inchworm assembly instructions and the Firefly schematics. Also keep in mind what Bill said about the MCLR, it should be switched to a different pin depending on the number of pins on the PIC you are programming.


  • ZIFGuide.PNG
    103.8 KB · Views: 207
Ah perfect. This is what I was looking for. hope to see the led blinking finally.

For the time being, I will sleep wondering how I will fix the next problem ...

ICDWarn0033: MPLAB ICD 2 does not support programming this device if both the internal oscillator and internal MCLR are selected. You may continue programming, but you are encouraged to cancel, reconfigure your device, and try again.

when I try to burn in the hex produced from nigels tutorials :-(
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