how to boost up current??

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New Member
did anyone know how to built a circuit that can increase the current from 30mA to 60mA of it>.>>??
plotoyee said:
did anyone know how to built a circuit that can increase the current from 30mA to 60mA of it>.>>??

Sorry, but your question is meaningless!.

Please try telling us exactly what you are trying to do, amd why?.
i'm connecting a relay to a basic stamp controller.
the current to switch on the relay is >30mA
and the current that the basic stamp send out is <30mA
so i need a current booster to boost up the current.
do u know how the circuit looks like.??

All you need is a simple transistor switch, a suitable circuit is attached. The circuit shows a 12V supply, but the voltage depends on your particular relay - it's VERY important to fit the diode across the relay, or it will destroy the transistor when it turns off.


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