how do I build my problem solving skills? How do I build my programming logic?
DO things!
Write simple text-based games, or programs to do unit conversions, calculate parallel resistors and such.
One of the first I wrote (on a home built machine in the mid 70s, no graphics, no commercial PCs yet) was a "Lunar lander".
That started at something like 20,000ft and 100 metres/sec descent, and just printed altitude and speed once a second.
If you pressed/held a key (actually a wired button), it fired the engine and added upward acceleration (decreasing speed), otherwise it accelerated down due to gravity & speed increased.
The aim was to get to zero altitude at less that 15ft/sec, or something like that.
(All my early stuff was in hand assembled machine code, as to start with the computer did not have enough RAM to run an assembler, never mind any kind of compiler)
[Nigel beat me to the "do things" point.]
Web development is very different, and python is categorically not an appropriate language for that, no matter what anyone online tells you!
For web pages, learn HTML first - you only need a text editor to create web pages.
That's what the web browser interprets to display pages and you cannot do anything more advanced until you understand HTML and can create pages with it. Just save the text files using "all files" and add the .html suffix, and you can then open them in your web browser just by clicking on them.
For more complex data-driven pages like on here, ebay etc., the html page is "printed out" by a script that uses a mixture of fixed html and data printed by the program. The best language to learn that is PHP (quite similar to C), which, on a web server, ties in to a MySQL database [using SQL] to save and load user data or page content etc.
The best sequence for a beginner web programmer is html, css (html styling), php, mysql, and only last javascript.