The way your pcb works re the touch buttons (again assuming the correct pdf) is that it is looking for the change in state on the touch pad.
So, you touch the touch pad which the IC on your pcb detects as a change of state.
After determining that it is a legitimate touch, the IC causes something to happen i.e. turns on or lights a LED or whatever.
The IC then checks that the state has reverted back to the condition that applied before you touched it.
This is where you need to look at the how that circuit you linked works (RC delay to anyone else looking at this thread) and read the description a little more carefully i.e. "The voltage at the output will after a short delay become the same as the input" - it means the state on the input (touch) pin will not revert to it's original state after the initial turn on until you turn off the power.
By all means try it, but I'm pretty sure you'll find it won't work the way you want.