I also arrived at this post late in the game, but for those who find this the way I did, here's a summary with clarifications and improvements:
* The current used in this calculation needs to be the highest current that will ever be drawn by the load. Set the design current to this value in all the following math.
* If the output of the filter is applied to a regulator circuit, then the ripple voltage must be such that the regulator input voltage never dips below it's minimum input voltage. For a series pass linear regulator this is determined by the regulator's dropout voltage [for a regulator IC, this can typically be found in the datasheet for that IC]. For a shunt regulator, this is determined by the shunt voltage [e.g. for a zener diode, this would be the zener voltage]. For a switching regulator, this would be the specified minimum input voltage [again, consult the datasheet].
* The time component is a function of both the frequency of the waveform [typically 50Hz or 60Hz -- though could be 400Hz or any other frequency], the rectifier configuration [half or full wave] AND the "gap" between the rectified [half] sinewave peaks. This gap [or valley] is slightly less than the period [1/frequency] because the rising and falling edges of the waveform overlap the region between the peaks. For higher ripple percentages, this gap is more narrow than for lower ripple percentages, but a good approximation is:
60Hz -- half-wave:
15.9ms full-wave:
50Hz -- half-wave:
19.1ms full-wave:
* The formula:
C = Ipeak*T/Vripple
This formula is an approximation. C = Ipeak*dt/dv is the precise formula, but the math involved is rather complex and not worth the slight gain in accuracy especially since you'll probably have to tweak it in the lab, anyway
Math will get you in the ballpark. A real world prototype will tell all [or at least "most"].
* The approximate formula in terms of percent ripple where percent ripple is defined as { PercentRipple = 100*0.707*VripplePeakToPeak/Vave } where Vave is the average output voltage [or intended output voltage]:
C = Ipeak*T/[PercentRipple*Vave/70.7]
Intended supply voltage:
Rectifier configuration:
Line frequency:
Acceptable ripple:
Peak Current:
C = 2.0A * 7.6ms / [ 10% * 24V / 70.7 ] = 4478 uF