Hi There,
I am working with a MCU STM32F405VET for any particular purpose. Lets a at this time firmware code has burn on MCU. Lets talk about HW issue.
Take a look the datasheet here
In my design portion a 25MHz oscillator supports MCU for clocking. See the attached file.
In this time a watched dog ic STWD100NXWY3F working externally,
If we think as firmware case what it does is watchdog timer system used to monitor to detect and reset an "out of control" microprocessor. When program execution goes awry it will not properly execute the code that restarts the watchdog. In such a case the watchdog timer will timeout and cause a microcontroller reset. In a properly designed system, the reset will correct the error. Is the case of independent watched dog from main MCU timer.
I want to connect a toggle swish in 2 and 3 point of crystal oscillator XT1 and wish to see the input out put of 1 and 4 of U29 watched dog.
I did see in oscillator when I push the switch meaning that 3 and 2 pin of XT1 has been shorted then input of U29 distorted but wont disappeared.
It wont clear instantly , what do you think?
Datasheet of STWD100NXWY3F says, While the system is operating correctly, it periodically toggles the watchdog input, WDI. If the system fails, the watchdog timer is not reset, a system alert is generated and the watchdog output, WDO , is asserted.