How to connect 2x 4017

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i made a LED controller a while back using a 4017 and using 8 outputs... now i need to make it 20 outputs. i have 2x 4017, but not sure how to connect them so first one will go through 1-10, stop and start second, which will go 1-10, stop and start first and number 1 again.

i have connected output 11 of first to 15 of second, and 11 of second to 15 of first, but they both go through 1-10 at same time. which outputs should i be using?

Have a look at this version of the 4017 data. Page 11


  • hef4017b.pdf
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have followed the diagram on page 11 using a 4081. but now have a different problem: 4017 #1 goes through 1-9 as it should, but 4017 #2 has all LEDs lit, and each goes off one at a time, instead of coming on?
That sounds like you have your LEDs connected to a power source and the 4017 is grounding them, with the exception of the 'active' output which will turn it's LED off in such circumstances.
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