how to connect more than 2 24c1024 i2c-memories

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New Member
i am developing an collection system, in which i am storing more than 8mbit of data. i want to use serial flash, Problem with 24c1024 is that i can not connect connect more than 2 24c1024 on the same bus, and can not source m25p64-spi flash from market) please help me in this regard.
You can connect 4 * 24C1024s on on the same bus and therefore address 4M. The 1024s have 3 address lines which suggests that you can connect 8 - as you are no doubt aware this is not the case. Address line A2 has to be pulled high in order for them to work (microchips 1024s). You can therefore use A2 as a chip select pin and use 2 extra I/O lines to select between 2 banks of 4 1024s and achieve your 8 meg as required.


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