How to connect to this transistor

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Transistor/Jukebox problem

Hi all

Im just about finished the jukebox now, just need to add the coin mech - its different from the last one i done.

I have attached the credit output circuit, but im unsure how to connect this as an input to my PIC, Vin is 12v



  • circuit.GIF
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Ok I've tried this, connected 5v to the player hi via a 1.5k resistor, and gnd to the playerlo. Then I connected between the resistor and the transistor to the pic, via a 1.5k resistor. From attaching the scope, I see it is active low. Is this the right way to do it, and are the 1.5k resistors ok?
That will work, but all you really need is playerlo to GND, a 10k from playerhi to +5V, and playerhi to the PIC.
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