How to control a robot with a wireless joystick

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There are many ways to going about this. But it all depends on your setup. Provide some more detail. For example: Needed range, number of button's needed, joystick type (analog or digital), prefered method (IR, RF...), ect. :wink:


Needed range would be anywhere from 200 to 400, and I want to use RF, the number of buttons outside of joystick 4 and on the joystick don't care.

most likely to go analog but if digitals is better I will go with that.
Second set of questions:

1. Is that range in miles, kilometers, yards, meters, feet, inches or centimeters?

2. About the joystick: Simply put, digital is basically either it's on, or it's off. Analog will allow for variables, meaning it's on, off, or anywhere inbetween. For example, if you want to be able to control the speed AND direction of the bot with the joystick, then you will need to go with an analog joystick. By pushing the joystick... say... up a small amount, the bot will move forward slowly. By pushing the joystick all the way up, it will move the bot forward at full speed. With digital, if you move the joystick up, the bot will move forward at full speed. When it's not moved up, it won't move. Period. Digital is much easier though. For digital, quad-directional movement, joy-PADS are much more common. They will be easier to use and implement as well. Joysticks, for the most part, ARE analog. So, you will need to make a decision on that, and let me know. Joy-pad, analog joystick, or digital joystick (Not recommended.)?

3. What functions are the buttons needed for?

4. Are you planning to use any type of programming or semi-complicated logic circuitry?

Answer these questions for me and I'll see how I can help. Best of luck to you.


The range is in feet, and I will go with a analog joystick and going to use a PIC microcontroller I have not decieded which one yet also I am using the push buttons for a light, push or pull solinoid, and a dc motor or a stepper.
The only controller I can think of with a single analog joystick is the N64 controller. It has 10 buttons, a joy-pad, and a joystick. The protocols for the N64 controllers are on the net.

Here, is a good remote control module site.

Do some research on them and search the net for the N64 controller protocols, or hack a controller to create and easier protocol. You can also get one of these controllers and take the joystick module out of it to put in your own controller.

I wish I could help you more, but I wasn't expecting you'd want an analog joystick. I'm not good with analog. Digital I can help with. Sorry...


I have already been to that website I just wanted to have other options to see if there is something better out there
If you want digital, then I would use the NES controllers. D-pad, with 4 buttons. A, B, Start, Select. Though I wouldn't know how it's done, I hear the NES controllers are easy to interface with. Here's some data to get you started: **broken link removed**

I would use the ming transmitter and receiver along with the Holtek HT-640 8-Bit Encoder IC and Holtek HT-648L 8-Bit Decoder IC that Reynolds Electronics Remote Control Store is selling. They even offer a schematic for the whole setup. Then, just decode the nes controller outputs, send the outputs to the transmitter, and just connect the receiver outputs to your micro. That's the easiest way, aka, my way. :lol:

Oh yeah. I was looking for a controller with only 4 buttons. The SNES controller is probably more documented anyway. But they are, for the most part, the same; as you can see from the Gamesx link I sent you. You can even use a PSX controller. I think that uses a simple protocol as well. It seems to be well documented too.

I'd like to vouch for PSX as well. I bought a used controller here in the U.S. at GameStop for about $7.95. Since then, it's been the only robot-controller I've ever used. And you can never have too many buttons! (Well, maybe :lol: )The same can be said for SNES controllers but it's real hard to find one in decent condition.

Also, I'd like to back up ElectricRain on Reynolds' Electronic's TWS-434A &
RWS-434 UHF transmitter/receiver pair. Unlike the 27MHz and 49MHz frequencies RC Cars use, there's not alot of chatter on that band--although I occaisionally pick up short "bursts" from nearby vehicle entry remotes. Digikey sells surface-mount transmitter/receivers for about the same price.

I have been to rentron before electric rain said something, so that would not make sence if you said I would back up electric rain on rentron.

that did not make sence because in the fourms I said I have been to that website already.
Re: Reply

GTAman said:
I have been to rentron before electric rain said something, so that would not make sence if you said I would back up electric rain on rentron.

that did not make sence because in the fourms I said I have been to that website already.

By "back up" I think he just meant "agree with."
Seeing the website and trying the product are two different things. In response to one of your original questions, the TWS/RWS is probably your best option. The board is moderately-sized, so there's no need for surface-mount soldering. The range is very consistant--even in fog or light rain. The mechanics are very easy to use: binary goes in, radio comes out, and vice versa. And it's the cheapest embedded transmitter/receiver for that band on the market (as far as I know).
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