how to convert a 50mhz sine wave to square wave

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i am getting an output of 38mhz from my frequency sysnthesizer.but i want it in pulses.and i also want to set delay for that..can anyone tell me how am i supposed to do that?
how about using a comparator to compare to a fixed voltage. if the fixed voltage is 0v (halfway between the poles of the signal if its AC) the output will be a 50% duty square wave. change the voltage to change the duty.
will i be able to give suitable delay??

how much dealy will be be able to provide with it ??sir i was trying out the nqr ..that is transmiting the natural frequency on chlorine isotope and study its nqr the frequency should be in the form of pulses...and sir i want to also make a sysnthesizer that can given presice freq like 39.404 ..wht would be ur sujestion for me ??and i would also need ur help ni designin the reciever for the same..

First of all, is this a student project? Second, are you a chem. or EE student? Third, is your project aimed at investigating the NQR signatures of chloroacetylenes in general or is your goal more specific or am I in gross error in those assumptions? I ask these questions to know how to proceed and gain more information. You should know up front that I hated chemistry when I was in school so I will need help in that area.

first of all myself an electronics enggineering this is not a student project ...this is an investigation to find out the characteristics.this is in case of chloral have a natural freq of 38.707 mhz if radio waves pulses of 38.707 mhz is emitted on it it will emit certain characteristc waves sort of echo that will have a a diffrernt freq ...the change in terms of khz say change will be i wanna make a transmitter and a reviever that can send and reciever such radio wave freq this precisely...hope you got me ...can u help me with this ???
Yes I can help you to a degree. But with you being a student, that will limit my help. You will have to do the design work, and I can help guide you to the extent of suggestions, corrections, ideas, etc.

First off, do you have access to a calibrated frequency standard, which is traceable to a secondary or tertiary standard, minimum? Second, do you have at least a block diagram of what you are trying to accomplish? Third, do you have an idea of the exicitation/reception probe necessary for the sample under test and its proximity to the sample? I ask these questions to see how much you already have invested in this project and if you are willing to carry it through to fruition.

block diagram

i have attatched the block diagram..which i think would be capable of doing the same..and yes sir i have the samle of chemicals and also its info that is its nqr freq and natural freq and all the data that would be necessar to carry out the experiemnt


  • block.JPG
    37.3 KB · Views: 287

sir could i have ur email id?and if u are there in any messenget like yahoo or gmail that we can chat that things get faster..
are the frequencies values in (MegaHertz)MHz or in (millihertz) mHz?
as per convention mhz is used for milli hertz !!!
Since you mention your interest is chloral hydrate, is it safe to assume the isotope you mentioned above is 35Cl? The 38.707MHz signal you mentioned seems to be half way between the two NQR peaks of 35Cl at 38.664MHz & 38.750MHz at a temp. of 300K.

Thanks for the block diagram. I notice there is no provision yet for temperature control of the crystalline sample. Is this an oversight? Also, there is no note of the desired frequency range of the RF synthesizer. Keep in mind that one may wish to vary the frequency somewhat to avoid cancellation of resonant signals or to test other samples.

Yes, I'll personal message you with my email address so we can take this discussion/collaboration off-line. In the upper right corner, just click on "My Account" and select "Private Messages".
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