how to convert rs 232 tx/rx to binary

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New Member
please help.

i need to know how to convert the tx/rx of serial port to binary like to 8 pins of 5v logic...
It's already binary - do you mean you want to convert it to 8 bit parallel?.

Easiest way is to use a PIC, but you could use an old hardware UART? - but that's a big chip and requires a lot more support components.
A shift register and a state machine should do the job. You could use an FPGA or a couple of PALS.
wat i mean is at this illustration....

thnx for the reply...

i want to have simple schematic diagram of the device... that converts 1 pin tx to 8 pin logic


  • device.JPG
    5.3 KB · Views: 383
Maybe use an old chip like this one:
**broken link removed**
But as stated above, something like a PIC (16F628, etc) would be easier to use and more modern.
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