When you look at a standard clock with counts hh.mm.ss, the seconds tic slowly away, sooo, to make the time pass by faster, why not add the milliseconds , makes a simple "illusion" of the time going "faster". Hehe, don't ask why I'm really doing this, just for fun I think. First electronic project I'm doing, I'll post pic's if ya want when I'm finished.
When you look at a standard clock with counts hh.mm.ss, the seconds tic slowly away, sooo, to make the time pass by faster, why not add the milliseconds , makes a simple "illusion" of the time going "faster". Hehe, don't ask why I'm really doing this, just for fun I think. First electronic project I'm doing, I'll post pic's if ya want when I'm finished.
Seems like everyone here forgot the first rule of engineering/design....KISS.
If you want a 60Hz signal use a center tapped transformer and a bridge for the power supply . The center tap is ground, the other outs are supply for the circuit. connect a diode on either of the bridges inputs to a diode and Viola' a 60 Hz source! ( in relation to the common ground. ) It doesn't take all the gates and dividers unless the device is battery powered or you need a critical time base . I'd send a diagram but my conversion took a crap ..as usual. I'm assuming that the "clock" is line powered.
No, I need the 60Hz signal to make the milliseconds, or those numbers that are smaller than seconds, I really don't know the name :? And I can't use the powerline since the whole circuit is battery powered and cordless. Any suggestion?