How to create a Bitmap For a Dinosaur using PIC16F877A


New Member
How can I create a bitmap for a dinosaur using a PIC16F877A micro controller? I am seeking detailed guidance on the steps involved, including the programming aspects and any hardware considerations, to effectively generate and display a bitmap of a dinosaur on a display connected to the PIC16F877A.
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No one can help you without know HOW the graphics are going to be displayed.
is there a converter that automatically ports from arduino to XC8, or will i have to go thro each code line by line
You have to go through it, but it's a pretty straightforward process, or just take the parts you want out of it - such as the dinosaur graphics. Essentially you're converting from C++ back to C, and much of it is the same anyway.
its a 16x2 LCD using PIC16F877A micro controller and XC8

OK; if you study the display controller datasheet, they generally have the facility to store a few custom character bitmaps - those would allow you to store character-cell graphics for the dinosaur. You would likely need several pairs with the image offset a pixel at a time, to give smooth movement.

Being a character display rather than graphic, you cannot do anything about the blank lines between character cells.

You would need to re-draw those character positions using the appropriate custom characters (and possibly adjacent ones) each time the dinosaur or any other graphic moves.
Hello, I've run into a challenge in my project. I'm working on the dino chrome game where I want the dinosaur character to remain stationary on a 16x2 LCD display (PIC16F877A), while the obstacles continuously shift to the left. Unfortunately, I've hit a roadblock and could use some guidance on what steps to take next.

Below is the code I've written so far. Additionally, I've attached a header file containing functions like Lcd8_Write_Char and Lcd8_Set_Cursor.

Lcd8_Write_Char(105); //dinosaur figure for now

Lcd8_Write_Char(219); //obstacle feature for now
for (int i=0; i < 5 ; i++){

Lcd8_Write_Char(219); // second obstacle
for (int i=0; i < 5 ; i++){


After resolving this issue, my plan is to implement using the button on the microcontroller. I want the dinosaur character to jump from its current position on the LCD to the top row.

Any assistance or advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


  • ee302lcd.h
    3.1 KB · Views: 133
You cannot use the shift function if you need anything to be stationary, or not without more complexity that just re-drawing the whole line (or both lines) for every update,
I played last night.. Using 'F' as the dino and 'r' and 'o' for the obstacles, needs optimizing.. Dino jumps for three cycles to clear the obstacle. Didn't put a collision test in, but kinda works.

I need to buffer the whole screen to stop flickering ( if I can be arsed that is. )
Using this code can be helpful in creating a bitmap for a dinosaur using a PIC16F877A including the programming aspects and any hardware considerations, to effectively generate and display a bitmap of a dinosaur on a display connected to the PIC16F877A

// Define the bitmap data
const. unsigned char dinosaur Bitmap[] = { // Bitmap data goes here (1bpp format )};

// Function to send bitmap data to display
void send Bitmap To Display() { // Set display coordinates send Command (SET_DISPLAY_X_START); send Command (SET_DISPLAY_Y_START);

// Send pixel data
for (int i = 0; i < size of (dinosaur Bitmap); i++) {send Data(dinosaur Bitmap);}}

void main() {
// Initialize microcontroller peripherals and display initialize Display();
// Display the bitmap send Bitmap To Display ();

while (1) { // Main program loop }}
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