How to create TEXT outline in GROUNDPLANE?

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can somebody tells me how to create a text outline in groundplane in Eagle?

like this:


  • Snap1.jpg
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That's a good one. I thought they just put it on a restrict layer or something, but I can't duplicate that.
Your font has to be set to vector. You can adjust the letters with the ratio (this =20). Make the text in tRestrict (or bRestrict). Set the isolate to zero. Then elect to not show the tRestrict layer. Other layers may work too, but I am not sure.


Edit: Forgot to say this is in EAGLE. I don't know about other programs.


  • GHOST.png
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Your font has to be set to vector. You can adjust the letters with the ratio (this =20). Make the text in tRestrict (or bRestrict). Set the isolate to zero. Then elect to not show the tRestrict layer.

I tried it on the restrict layer, but the isolate values just made the text blocky. I guess if you want to do this and keep your isolate around the rest of the ground plane you'll need to make a separate polygon with a 0 isolate around just the text. I just didn't go far enough with it.
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Nice, so ya, you can keep your regular isolate you just need to make an inner polygon with a 0 isolate, and don't forget 0 width as well. Thanks jpanhalt.


  • eagle_reverse_text.png
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got it!

Yes! got it guys!

BTW: is there a way to change the VECTOR FONT??
I think it's nice to see some script on PCB...

Nice, so ya, you can keep your regular isolate you just need to make an inner polygon with a 0 isolate, and don't forget 0 width as well. Thanks jpanhalt.

I can't just figure this out...I'll make a TEXT in BRestrict then I'll make a polygon around it? in what layer? BOTTOM or BRestrict?? I'll get an error if my copper pour is connected to GND..


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1) With the current 5.11 version of Eagle, you are limited to the one vector font. There may be some ULP to change that, but I didn't look for it. Check user groups and on the Cadsoft site for user contributions.
2) Your polygon would be in the signal layer in which you want the text to etch.
3) Polygons are very useful. You are allowed to have various priorities. If you are new to Eagle, it is tempting to use other geometric shapes and just fill them to "look like" large signal areas. BUT, they do not become signal layers and can create problems with DRC, routing, and when you also have a polygon fill. Polygons can be named signals, are recognized as signals, and don't have the aforementioned problems.

I think everyone who has replied to this thread will agree that it is worth an hour or so to get comfortable with polygons.

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Threw this into a test board I made up. It does look kinda cool on a board with no mask.

Not much space for any real text, but I'll at least have an idea of what the heck I made a year from now when I dig it out of a box.


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Wow cool! how is your isolation on tracks?

I'm not certain what you are asking. You mean how well is the isolate value working with the rest of the ground plane? It's working fine. There's a small polygon just around the text with a isolate of 0 and width of 0. I would have put text here anyways, but using this reverse method it cuts into the groundplane less and takes less space.

I populated the board and it works fine.


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