How to decrease dc amps if volts less than amps

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Akmal Hussain

New Member
Can anyone help me? I have 12 volt dc motor and also have a power supply it's voltage are 8.5volt but output current is 5.65amps how can I reduce amps and increase Dc motor desire current is 1 amps maximum?
Can anyone help me? I have 12 volt dc motor and also have a power supply it's voltage are 8.5volt but output current is 5.65amps how can I reduce amps and increase Dc motor desire current is 1 amps maximum?
Sorry I wanna decrease current and increase volts my motor needs 12 volts what to do
Measure the voltage of the supply with no load connected.
The supply current figure may be the current capability of the supply, it is not what delivers to a load.
Do you know the current needed/used by your 12V motor to perform its work ? Can you measure the motor current while running the motor from an automotive battery ?
You need a DC-DC boost converter to raise the 8.5V to 12V. If the converter were 100% efficient (it won't be), 1A from its output (if that is the motor rated current) would draw 12/8.5 = 1.4A from the supply. However, the start-up current for a motor is several times the rated running current, so you would likely be drawing 5A or more from the supply.
While a small (or any) DC motor may have a voltage desired for it on a data sheet they will work either over or under voltage, within limits. The 12V is needed to get the motors rated RPM, if you can live with less RPM try the 8.5V before spending money and time.
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