how to download the program in a PIC18F67J60 64-pin 1/PT

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New Member
hi guys.. my friend has bought a PIC18F67J60 which has 64-pin in TQFP ( the chip itself) package.
i would like to know what tools needed or any development kit is required to use to download the assembly language program which have been typed into the chip itself via the usb port from the computer.. i have always use DIP package but have never tried TQFP pakage before..... it definitely not possible to solder the tiny little pins of the 64-pin TQFP.. so what ways to do so?
You simply need a programmer that covers that chip, and a target board that accepts ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) - or program it before soldering it in, using a VERY expensive socket.
I presume the Inchworm or Inchworm+ will program it?, they are ICD2 clones - connect the target board up to use ICSP.
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