Great ideas but actually the greatest thing that holds most people back now a days is the often unnecessary costs of getting your product certified by some recognized organization. Without it most businesses wont give you a second look.
You can design and produce the worlds greatest device but your boned if you try to sell it with out a government certified stamp of approval on it!
I am pleased to be working as a consultant with a company that is doing their collective best to design and manufacture a simple rugged reliable small scale wind power system that has full grid tie capabilities and is geared specifically toward the private rural home or farm owner and their price range.
The designs are already showing the high promise of being a new industry standard in that size and application category but there is a catch. Certification. Its by far the greatest financial and politically driven hurdle in the whole process.
The company could likely spend two or three times what the research and development costs are just on a dam stamp of approval from a supposedly voluntary safety organization. Its a voluntary compliance issue but yet you cant legally sell your product without it!
Your design and manufacturing process could produce a product far above the required safety and related regulation issues but without that high priced stamp of approval you cant sell it.
The OP may come up with a great idea and be able to make some quick cash but at some point if his product catches on he has far more politics and legal issues to worry about and pay for than setting up a mass production system will ever cost him.
As someone who is now just getting familiar with the actual aspects of bringing a product to the level of production for mass resale it sickens me to see that a product that could be made for $100 and should sell for $300 is going to have to sell for $600 just to cover the costs of keeping it certified and legal should there be any slight modification or design improvement. At $300 its a great and fair price but at $600 its not cost effective for the intended application any more.
I am not saying things should not be certified as safe but that the certification should not have an insanely extortionistic price tag attached to a simple certification process.
If you went to the DMV and they told you a driver license renewal is $25 you wouldn't think much about it. But what if you went there and they said the renewal is $25 but there is a completely voluntary safety inspection of the vehicle you drive that costs $25000. You dont have to have it done but with out it you cant renew your license. How would you take that?